No one rocks the pink like a nurse, thank you nurses, you made a difference for my Mom and for my family and for so many others Every Day.
Nurses Rock The Pink For Breast Cancer Awareness
Nurses Rock The Pink For Breast Cancer Awareness Month and no one can rock the pink or support the cause better than nurses can. Every day LPN and RN nurses, CNA's and Nursing Students are supporting better awareness for Breast Cancer, advocating and teaching about mammograms, about our bodies and our options. Every day nurses everywhere are holding the hands of and drying the tears of breast cancer patients and their families. Every day, because of Breast Cancer Awareness there is another survivor. Another whole family.
No one rocks the pink like a nurse, thank you nurses, you made a difference for my Mom and for my family and for so many others Every Day.
No one rocks the pink like a nurse, thank you nurses, you made a difference for my Mom and for my family and for so many others Every Day.